What should you do before you even think about developing?
We look at the importance of quality process definition, discussing how getting this right increases ROI.
We also consider the skills needed to achieve a well-documented process.
Simply put, the two ways to improve ROI are to either reduce the investment required or increase the return gained. Realising maximum gain is the subject of a later blog, so stay tuned by subscribing.
For investment reduction, specific to RPA projects, this can be achieved by minimising development time (as license costs are fixed). Accurate and appropriate process definition is key to realising this goal.
It is well known that catching defects early in project implementation saves money and effort. A design glitch can be thought about over a coffee whereas a full-scale production issue can cost days of effort in repair, business continuity and possible even reputation management. The same is true for an RPA implementation, but here there is a twist.